a sub-division of @723studio specializing in brush-and-ink art endeavors...

about us

InkOn is a sub-division of 723 Studio that specializes in brush-and-ink  #art / #calligraphy / #cartooning

This site is dedicated to showcase the ink art created by our studio since mid-2016.

about the artist

The sole artist of our studio is Tony Law.

In mid-2016, the artist took his first ever Chinese calligraphy lesson and had since never stopped delving deeper and deeper into the world of brush-and-ink art.  “Chinese calligraphy is simply a form of line art,” the calligraphy teacher once told the artist.  The truth of the saying is continually being realized as the artist explores brush-and-ink beyond calligraphy and into cartooning, portraiture, life drawing, etc.  The simplicity of the black and white medium also seems to lend itself naturally into the digital art form of 1s and 0s in which the artist is very proficient with.

This site showcases some of the more polished art harvested from the artist’s never-ending brush-and-ink training, practice, and labor.  As the artist continues his journey through the world of brush-and-ink art, the breadcrumb trail of his more up-to-date impromptu doodles can be found on our Instagram account.

Tony Law