Pulp It Container

After knowing about the Pulp It project from IG, we quickly got in touch with one of the few local paper workshops to experiment with making our first paper pulp container.

The project and the molds’ 3D drawings were generously shared by the creator on wikifactory. It took about a week for us to finish printing a few of the molds. The experienced papercraft artist already had the pulp ready when we brought the molds and clamps to her Lomfafair Workshop. Under the artist’s guidance, stuffing the paper pulp into the 3D molds was quick and simple. It took a few days for the pulp containers to dry and they slipped off the molds easily without any trouble. Looking at the resulting paper pulp containers, we were both very satisfied with this little experiment.

The Pulp It experiment opened the door to recycling paper into all kinds of useful objects. We also learnt about the benefits of collaboration for this experiment would likely not be a success on first trial without the paper making experience from a master craftsman.

Some process photos of the pulp containers in the making.